Series: 14 x 30
Broadcasters: History Television
Distributor: Primitive Entertainment
Platimun Award (Animation) Pixie Awards, 2011
Gold Award (Use of Effects) Pixie Awards, 2011

Project Info:

Did you know that the Wonderbra is a Canadian invention? How about the gas mask? Standard time? The instant replay? Computer animation? How about electronic music? Or that famous “American” Superman?

Canadian Made is a series about Canada’s tradition of invention, innovation and discovery – astonishing in its range and genius, yet unheralded at home and abroad.

Each half-hour episode of Canadian Made explores the inspiring historic, scientific and human stories behind three inventions that, together, reflect an aspect of the Canadian character. Delightfully creative in both style and substance, the 14 shows in Canadian Made weave a dizzying array of documentary, animation, skits, recreations and computer graphics into a view of Canada that is amazing, exhilarating and sure to inspire pride.