Feature Documentary
Broadcasters: TVO; Bravo
Distributor: National Film Board of Canada
John Culkin Award for Outstanding Media Praxis, The Media Ecology Association, 2003
The Chris Award, Columbus International Film and Video Festival, 2002
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Project Info:

We don't know who discovered water, but we know it wasn't a fish

Marshall McLuhan

As he lay dying on the last day of 1980, Marshall McLuhan had every reason to believe he would soon be forgotten. His ideas about technology and its role in society had been dismissed by many Western intellectuals and his beloved study centre at the University of Toronto had been closed. His books were not selling and the mass media, having built him up as the oracle of our times, had lost interest. Worst of all, a massive stroke, suffered earlier in the year, had rendered him mute.

It was a tragically perfect end for a misunderstood prophet: rich in pathos and irony. For CNN was born the year McLuhan died and the world would soon come to viscerally understand two of his most famous and puzzling aphorisms: "the Global Village" and "the medium is the message".